Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky | trade name | window OCR: The object palette This palette allows for basic object parameters It is only accessable if the object: selected in the screen Ob ject0 Cursor Standard finger Inactive Transparant Cover - ] G|obal object Hidden Border Laver In the upper left you find the object name By default an object names Object- +index or it takes on the name of the media that created it ITIS NOTS GOOD IDEA TO PUT SPACES WHEN NAMING OBJECTS An object name should he uniq ue in the scenario KataBounga keeps an eve out for that Are the coordinates of the object's position O,o is in the upper left of the screen. The coordinates are pixels Are length and height of the object in pixels Lock n locked object cannot be with the mouse Inactive An inactive object will not react anv mouse interaction Global object A global object ...